Not so. Do not allow two days to destroy your hard work from the week!! Trust me, five good days of eating does not balance out two poor days of junk. Research shows that we can easily consume 1,000 more calories a day on the weekends that Monday through Friday.
Here are some tips to skinny up your weekend:

1. Be a Picky Eater.
Weekends are big days for eating out. You do not have to slave away in the kitchen on your weekends. Family-friendly restaurants are used to picky eaters, so it is alright to order things made-to-order; exactly how you want them. Order a burger, but hold all the fattening condiments that come along with it.
2. B.Y.O.F.

3. Be Active
Boredom can lead to snacking and grazing through the food cabinets. Plan your weekend (like you plan your week) and stay busy. It does not have to be a jam packed schedule, but have activities in mind so that you do not stay at home simply watching TV all day and cleaning out our pantry with your mouth!!
4. Drink Up
Drink more water. Attending weekend events usually involved alcohol. Drinking water or ginger ale between alcoholic beverages, not only keeps your hydrated, but it helps with becoming under the influence, which normally results in making very bad eating choices!! I remember to well those late night runs to Taco Bell & McDonald's. Alcohol + grease are your worse enemies when combined together.
5. Burn Calories

Have a wonderful and fit weekend :)
In Health,
~ Q. Olivia
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