Happy New Year Fit Friends!!
As always, I am constantly looking for new fitness models, personal trainers and other fitness icons to follow on social media and learn from about different exercises and nutrition options. Just a few weeks ago I discovered personal trainer, Yvette Salva who has a great blog and Facebook page. She came up with a challenge that is perfect to kick off our new year right called The Burpee Challenge.
Now, I know we have seen tons of those challenges on Pinterest regarding 30 days to a toned tummy, amazing arms, and cute quads. Some of them are silly, but a lot of them are quite challenging; and you can easily go through the challenge together.

Some people perform an actual push-up and some people just get in the push-up position. The "how to" photo incorporates the push-up which will work your arms and core even more, but usually, I skip the push-up and simply return to the squat position before jumping up. With the challenge I may try out the push-up from time to time as I do want to strengthen my arms. You do it however you want.
With all that being said... today is the first day of January which means the Burpee Challenge starts right now! Join me in the challenge. Keep me posted on your progress!
We've got 5 burpees on the calendar. Do them full out. Ready... set... go!
In Fitness + Health,
~ Q. Olivia
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