res·o·lu·tion /ˌrezəˈlo͞oSHən/
1. A firm decision to do or not to to something.
2. A formal expression of opinion or intention agreed on by a legislative body, committee, or other formal meeting
(Merriam-Webster Dictionary, )
No, this post is not going to encourage you to make healthy resolutions to help you reach your fitness goals (although not a bad idea). I hope that you have decided to make it a part of your everyday lifestyle. All year, I have been blogging about simple ways to make changes that will have BIG impact. Things such as taking the stairs at work, parking further away, replacing processed snacks with healthy ones, and finding something fun to do that also gets the heart pumping. Simple things, right?
Wrong. In a previous post about the Slight Edge Principle, I discussed how EASY it is to make changes, and how easy it is not to make changes. So you can make all of the resolutions you want, but if you do not make the decision in your heart before taking action, you may set yourself up to be one of those who do not make it to the six month or one week mark.
Since the world did not end as speculated, starting January 2, all gyms will be filled at capacity. You will not be able to find a single treadmill, dumbbell or yoga mat unoccupied. Vitamin companies and health food industries will receive their biggest pay raise of the year just because people made a resolution. As we all know, the gyms will quiet down again in March.
What will you be doing in 2013? Set some goals. List action steps on how you will achieve those goals. Find an accountability partner, and move forward. What will be your motto or mantra for the upcoming year? What changes do you want to see in your life? And in advance, have you made a commitment to see those changes through no matter what it takes?
When Michelangelo was asked how he carved the statute of David, he said,
What can you cut out (or even add) to your life to ensure that you are the best that you can be in 2013?
I believe in leading by example. So since I am encouraging everyone to set goals and work a plan, here are some things that I plan on cutting or adding to enrich my life in 2013.
1. Read More Books: Draft a list of 13 (for 2013) inspiring and motivating books that I can read and apply to my life, business, marriage, and passions.
2. Read one book a month for pleasure

1. Set one macro and one mirco financial goal.
2. Save regularly from every paycheck
3. Read at least one personal finance book (can be counted towards the list of 13)
4. Create a budget... and live by it
5. Organize receipts, business expenditures, etc
1. Find a healthy cookbook to work through
2. Try one new recipe challenge a month
3. Support local farmers by shopping at the farmer's markets on Saturdays
4. Limit my eating out
1. Compete in my first bikini/fitness competition! Wahoo!!
2. Continue with meal prep days for lunch/dinner
3. Go to the gym/workout at least 5x a week
4. Run one 5K a quarter
5. Lose 15 pounds and retain lean muscle mass. Drop body fat by 10%
6. Consistently blog
7. With the exception of an occasional glass of wine with dinner, give up alcohol (it really impacts my fitness goals)
1. Have weekly date nights
2. Pray together in the mornings before starting the day
3. Constantly affirm my husband and encourage him; remove all negativity from my speech
4. Celebrate our two year anniversary in New York City
5. Read a great marriage book
6. Learn to pick my battles (I can be argumentative, so I've heard)
House/Home Life
1. Create a cleaning schedule for the home so I do not end up doing one long day of cleaning the entire apartment
2. Organize paperwork regularly
3. Open my mail within 24 hours and take action (as required) within 48 hours
1. Get a raise (applying for my supervisor's former position)!!!
2. Improve on leadership skills
3. Join the Morale Committee
4. Be an active presence in the community (on behalf of the agency)

1. Become a Big Sister (complete application process by January)
2. Become active with the Houston chapter of Soldier's Angels
1. Continue attending church weekly
2. Go to Sunday School
3. Be a leader in Women's Ministry
4. Become a youth leader
5. Join the Women's Guild
6. Daily Quiet Time (prayer and scripture) before work
7. Become an active Prayer Warrior
1. Communicate more regularly with friends and family by writing letters, making phone calls, or emailing
2. Send birthday, anniversary, and other special occasion cards
3. Make some new lady friends in Houston (its pretty lonely without my best friends around)
4. Find a way to be involved with dance (teaching or performing)
4. Scrapbook and organize memories better
5. Take more pictures
6. Limit my social media activity to 30-45 minutes a day
Business (Rivers Empire)
1. Grow clientele with new, loyal customers every month
2. Qualify for bonuses and leaderships
3. Achieve the Platinum Level of Leadership
4. Utilize our mentors and take advantage of every resource, conference, and learning opportunity
5. Make a difference and create change in our lives and others
6. Business Cards
7. Attend 3-4 vendor markets to promote products
Now, you may be thinking that I have a lot of resolutions and goals, but so many of these go in hand-in-hand, they are really overlapping. Also, many of them I am already doing, but want to continue do or become even better. And finally, for those who know me, I thrive on being busy and productive.
These goals are in no particular order, just how they came to mind as I was typing, and how I categorized them in my head. And some of these goals, are things that I wanted to accomplish in 2012, but failed to do so. Since I never give up on the things I want, I will try again to work towards both the new goals and renewed goals :)
So as we go forth, let's be better. Let's dance a little more. Sing a little louder. Enjoy the sunshine, and even the rain. As Edith Lovejoy Pearce said,
Until Next Year ;)
~ Q. Olivia
When Michelangelo was asked how he carved the statute of David, he said,
"I simply cut away everything that was not David."
What can you cut out (or even add) to your life to ensure that you are the best that you can be in 2013?
I believe in leading by example. So since I am encouraging everyone to set goals and work a plan, here are some things that I plan on cutting or adding to enrich my life in 2013.
Q. Olivia's 2013 Resolutions

1. Read More Books: Draft a list of 13 (for 2013) inspiring and motivating books that I can read and apply to my life, business, marriage, and passions.
2. Read one book a month for pleasure

1. Set one macro and one mirco financial goal.
2. Save regularly from every paycheck
3. Read at least one personal finance book (can be counted towards the list of 13)
4. Create a budget... and live by it
5. Organize receipts, business expenditures, etc
1. Find a healthy cookbook to work through
2. Try one new recipe challenge a month
3. Support local farmers by shopping at the farmer's markets on Saturdays
4. Limit my eating out
1. Compete in my first bikini/fitness competition! Wahoo!!
2. Continue with meal prep days for lunch/dinner
3. Go to the gym/workout at least 5x a week
4. Run one 5K a quarter
5. Lose 15 pounds and retain lean muscle mass. Drop body fat by 10%
6. Consistently blog
7. With the exception of an occasional glass of wine with dinner, give up alcohol (it really impacts my fitness goals)
1. Have weekly date nights
2. Pray together in the mornings before starting the day
3. Constantly affirm my husband and encourage him; remove all negativity from my speech
4. Celebrate our two year anniversary in New York City
5. Read a great marriage book
6. Learn to pick my battles (I can be argumentative, so I've heard)
House/Home Life
1. Create a cleaning schedule for the home so I do not end up doing one long day of cleaning the entire apartment
2. Organize paperwork regularly
3. Open my mail within 24 hours and take action (as required) within 48 hours
1. Get a raise (applying for my supervisor's former position)!!!
2. Improve on leadership skills
3. Join the Morale Committee
4. Be an active presence in the community (on behalf of the agency)

1. Become a Big Sister (complete application process by January)
2. Become active with the Houston chapter of Soldier's Angels
1. Continue attending church weekly
2. Go to Sunday School
3. Be a leader in Women's Ministry
4. Become a youth leader
5. Join the Women's Guild
6. Daily Quiet Time (prayer and scripture) before work
7. Become an active Prayer Warrior
1. Communicate more regularly with friends and family by writing letters, making phone calls, or emailing
2. Send birthday, anniversary, and other special occasion cards
3. Make some new lady friends in Houston (its pretty lonely without my best friends around)
4. Find a way to be involved with dance (teaching or performing)
4. Scrapbook and organize memories better
5. Take more pictures
6. Limit my social media activity to 30-45 minutes a day
Business (Rivers Empire)

2. Qualify for bonuses and leaderships
3. Achieve the Platinum Level of Leadership
4. Utilize our mentors and take advantage of every resource, conference, and learning opportunity
5. Make a difference and create change in our lives and others
6. Business Cards
7. Attend 3-4 vendor markets to promote products
Now, you may be thinking that I have a lot of resolutions and goals, but so many of these go in hand-in-hand, they are really overlapping. Also, many of them I am already doing, but want to continue do or become even better. And finally, for those who know me, I thrive on being busy and productive.
These goals are in no particular order, just how they came to mind as I was typing, and how I categorized them in my head. And some of these goals, are things that I wanted to accomplish in 2012, but failed to do so. Since I never give up on the things I want, I will try again to work towards both the new goals and renewed goals :)
So as we go forth, let's be better. Let's dance a little more. Sing a little louder. Enjoy the sunshine, and even the rain. As Edith Lovejoy Pearce said,
"We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day."
Starting writing your book for 2013. Best of luck in the New Year. May it be filled with love, joy, prosperity and peace.
Until Next Year ;)
~ Q. Olivia