Fitness is a way of life. This blog chronicles my journey towards competing in my first bikini/fitness competition. Additionally, I will post Motivational Mondays, Workout Wednesdays and Fitness Fact Fridays; as well as articles, stories, and recipes. The simplest actions are of the greatest benefit.
Monday Motivation 17: Just Try
Today's motivation comes in the form of words; some of the best motivation out there. In every area of your life in which you have set goals, there will be challenges, doubts, circumstances, and negativity keeping your from what you have set your mind to.
There will always be people telling you cannot do something, or that your dreams are too big, or that you are crazy for trying. Those people are quitters. And YOU are not a quitter.
One thing I have found with people who try to diminish my dreams, is that they do so, simply because they do not have dreams of their own. When others hear you speaking about what you want to accomplish, it reveals their lack of goals, achievements, and spirit to do something great. So instead of getting their own goals, they try to trample on yours.
This quote is truly inspirational and reminds me that the words, "impossible," "risky," and "pointless" do not matter. Just think of all the great inventors, scientists, leaders, businessmen, and athletes who have contributed to our world. What if they had let pride, experience, or reason get in their way? Would there have been another in their place to do the things they did or create some of the greatest resources we have today? Maybe. Maybe not.
Always listen to your heart. You heart will always tell you can, when other say different. Who are you going to listen to? Reason? Experience? Pride?
Try listening to the one that know you best. Yourself. What would life be without attempting the impossible, or refusing to take risks, or aiming for the pointless? It would be boring. So take a chance and just, "give it a try."
In Health,
~ Q. Olivia
Motivation Monday 16: Good Mood
Have you ever woke up on the wrong side of bed? I am sure none of you out there have, but I do from time to time, and the very LAST thing that I want to do is climb out of bed, put on workout clothes and tennis shoes, and make my way to the gym. In my grumpy mind, it just does not make any sense.
When you are in a bad mood, doesn't it sound so much better to just sleep it off until your read to face the day with a smile? In the past, I would vote for staying under the covers rather than lifting a weight any day.
Now that I am older and much wiser, I know that a good morning workout can pull you out of your funk. It is actually scientific!!
When you work out your brain releases endorphins, adrenaline, serotonin, and dopamine. If you do not know what all those things are, just know they are chemicals that your body naturally produces, and actually improves how you feel. After a workout, your muscles can relax deeper, helping ease tension and stress... which we can all use.
While exercise is not an actual treatment for depression, I recently read an article that discussed how studies show exercise does increase the positive mood in depressed individuals. Additionally, the body releases less immune system chemicals that can worsen depression. Obviously, a good workout also raises the body's temperature, which has been shown to have very calming effects.
So, if you are feeling down or sorry, do not stay in bed. Get up and do a few jumping jacks, a couple of push-ups, and a bout of crunches. Those simple items will help increase the blood flow and put you in a great mood to tackle on those impossible Mondays and stay motivated for the rest of the week!!
In Health,
~ Q. Olivia
Motivation Monday 15: Measure
A women is often measured by the things she cannot control. She is measured by the way her body curves or doesn't curve, by where she is flat or straight or round. She is measured by 36-24-36 and inches and ages and numbers, by all the outside things that don't ever add up to who she is on the inside. And so if a women is to be measured, let her be measured by the things she can control; by who she is and who she is trying to become. Because as every women knows, measurements are only statistics... statistics lie.
Never allow anyone to shape your future except you. Only you can write your future.
Measure yourself not to the standards of others; but to the standards of your Creature.
Compare yourself not to the images of women on television and magazine covers; strive to reach the excellence and example of great women that embody inner strength, confidence, and faith.
Beauty may fade, but virtue is forever.
This week, all women and men should challenge themselves to determine how they measure themselves? How do you see yourself? Not in comparison to the world, simply in your eyes. What great values and traits do you offer the world? What blessings do you bestow upon mankind? What about you makes you so wonderful and unique.
You must truly love yourself as you are now, on the inside; no matter how thin, athletic, or fit you become in the future; always remember how amazing that inner woman or man was before they started their journey.
In Health,
~ Q. Olivia
Tasty Tuesday: Nocturnal Noshing

And of course, what do we reach for most likely? The sweets or the salties... and sometimes, both.
Now, as you training, is it a nutritional sin to have snacks outside of you pre-planned meals and snacks. The answer is actually, NO.
Here are some awesome, healthy, and palate-pleasing snacks that you can consume before going to bed.
Snack 1 - Canned Tune w/ Olive Oil
Fat free. Minimal prep work. All you have to do is drizzle a spoon of olive oil and throw your tuna on some spinach and your body will gladly take in the iron and healthy fats to prepare you for an active morning.Snack 2 - Homemade Trail Mix
All of your favorites at once. Trail mix is power packed with nutrients. Of course, when you make your own you control the amount of sugar and salt you are digesting. My favorite homemade trail mix consists of dried cranberries, almonds, wheat pretzels, sunflower seeds, pistachios, and dried blueberrries. Yum!!Snack 3 - PBB Roll Ups
As a kid, my my never bought PB for us. She thought it was not a "proper meal" to have PB sandwiches. Then again, she was raised in the South were their idea of proper is grease, sugar, and fat.Little did mom know we were missing out on some serious protein. So now as an adult I get my PB fix with peanut butter and banana roll ups. All I do is spread PB on a tortilla, chop some nanners up and throw those on top, and roll it up. A light, but filling snack that should get your through the night.Snack 4 - Greek Yogurt + Almonds
Two of my favorite quick snacks together, provides your body with fiber, protein, and omega fats!!Snack 5 - Nutrilite Cookies and Cream Whey Protein Bar

With all of these options you can now snack without guilt. Enjoy your snacks, but make sure they are just that... a snack. Happy Snacking!!
In Health,
~ Q. Olivia
Motivation Monday 14: Joshua Sundquist
I came across this photos months ago, and my jaw dropped. I saved the photo to my computer and open the file every week or so.
This young man is Joshua Sundquist.
His image has been my motivation on days when I want to complain; not just about working out, but about my attitude, my job, my silly problems that I consider "life-changing."
When Josh was nine years old he was diagnosed with a rare form of bone cancer and given a fifty percent chance to live. After a year undergoing chemotherapy treatments, his left leg was amputated. At 13, he was declared cured and began his career of ski racing three years later. In 2006 he was named to the US Paralympian Ski Team. He also won the Body For Life fitness challenge in 2006
Josh is an author, speaker, and athlete. He is an inspiration to so many amputees, and an excuse remover for those of us who are not.
For that reason, and many more, he is this week's Monday Motivator. Check out his website: Josh Sundquist; be inspired and motivated to change your life.
In Health,
~ Q. Olivia
Tasty Tuesday: Cucumber-Tomato Salad
This is a great and quick dish that is healthy, low in fat, and simply refreshing for those upcoming summer days. I could probably survive of salads, and this is by far one of my favorite simply salad recipes: Cucumber + Tomato Salad

1 Roma tomato
1 Persian Cucumber (baby gourmet)
1/2 tbsp EVOO
1/2 tbsp coconut oil
Dash of sea-salt
Dash pepper
Slice the tomato & cucumber, place in a small bowl and drizzle the EVOO and coconut oils over the veggies. Sprinkle with sea-salt and pepper. Toss and Serve.
EXTRAS: For those cheese lovers, sprinkle a bit of crumbled feta cheese on top of the salad. It turns the dish into a bowl of heaven. Cheese makes everything better.
NUTRITION (per serving)
147 calories, 1 g protein, 4 g carbohydrates, 14 g fat (7 g saturated fat from the coconut oil), 1 g fiber, 120 mg sodium.
In Health,
~ Q. Olivia

1 Roma tomato
1 Persian Cucumber (baby gourmet)
1/2 tbsp EVOO
1/2 tbsp coconut oil
Dash of sea-salt
Dash pepper
Slice the tomato & cucumber, place in a small bowl and drizzle the EVOO and coconut oils over the veggies. Sprinkle with sea-salt and pepper. Toss and Serve.
EXTRAS: For those cheese lovers, sprinkle a bit of crumbled feta cheese on top of the salad. It turns the dish into a bowl of heaven. Cheese makes everything better.
NUTRITION (per serving)
147 calories, 1 g protein, 4 g carbohydrates, 14 g fat (7 g saturated fat from the coconut oil), 1 g fiber, 120 mg sodium.
In Health,
~ Q. Olivia
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